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Texas Instruments (Unitrode) Switching power supply design.

Texas Instruments (formerly Unitrode) seminars are part of TI analog technical training during which they also update on their new controllers and other power management integrated circuits. They combine tutorial review of basic principles and “hands-on” design examples on various power conversion topics. Over time they have covered virtually all important switching power supply design topics and their archives provide excellent reference info for the SMPS designers. Here you will find seminar books from 1984 till present.

SEM300 (1984)

Switching Power Supply Topology Review

Closing the Feedback Loop

Appendix A: Error Amplifier and Compensation Network Design

Appendix B: Bode Plots

Appendix C: Flyback-Discontinuous Inductor Current-Direct Duty Cycle Cont.

Switching Power Supply Design Review — 60 Watt Flyback Regulator

Appendix I: Transformer Design

Appendix II: Effective RL and C in the Feedback Loop

SEM400 (1985)

Current-Mode Control of Switching Power Supplies

Design of Flyback Transformers and Filter Inductors

Simulation of Switching Power Supply Performance Using the Personal Computer

Design Review: 150 Watt Current-Mode Flyback

Power Conversion Design Guide

SEM500 (1986)

Practical Considerations in Current Mode Power Supplies

The Effects of Leakage Inductance on Multi-Output Flyback Circuits

Coupled Filter Inductors in Multi-Output Buck Regulators

A 300W, 300KHz Current-Mode Half-Bridge Converter with Multiple Outputs

The Right-Half-Plane Zero — A Simplified Explanation

Magnetic Amplifier Control for Simple, Low-Cost, Secondary Regulation

SEM600 (1988)

Resonant Mode Converter Topologies

1 MHz 150W Resonant Converter Design Review

High Power Factor Preregulator for Off-Line Power Supplies

Placing Leakage and Wiring Inductances in the High Frequency Circuit Model

SEM700 (1990)

Zero Voltage Switching Resonant Power Conversion

Isolating the Control Loop

Average Current Mode Control of Switching Power Supplies

Resonant Mode Converter Topologies — Additional Topics

Optimizing the Design of a High Power Factor Switching Preregulator

SEM800 (1991)

Load Sharing with Paralleled Power Supplies

Controlled ON-Time, Zero Current Switched Power Factor Correction Technique

Fixed-Frequency, Resonant-Switched PWM w/ Phase Shifted Control

Considerations in High Performance MOSFET, IGBT, and MCT Gate Drive Ckts.

Control Loop Design

SEM900 (1993)

Distributed Power Systems

Snubber Circuits: Theory, Design and Application

Designing a Phase Shifted Zero Voltage Transition Power Converter

Design Review: 500 Watt, 40W/in3 Phase Shifted ZVT Power Converter

High Power Factor Preregulator Using the SEPIC Converter

Control Loop Design SEPIC Preregulator Example

Coupled Inductor Design

SEM1000 (1994)

250KHz, 500W Pwr Factor Correction Ckt. Employing Zero Voltage Transitions

Portable Power — A Designer’s Guide to Power Management

Active Clamp and Reset Technique Enhances Forward Converter Performance

An Electrical Circuit Model for Magnetic Cores

SEM1100 (1996)

Fueling the Megaprocessors – Empowering Dynamic Energy Management

100W, 400kHz, DC/DC Conv. w/ I Doubler Sync. Rectification Achieves 92%

Design Considerations for Active Clamp and Reset Technique

Control Loop Cookbook

SEM1200 (1997)

Current Sensing Solutions for Power Supply Designers

A Low Power Boost Converter for Battery Powered Portable Applications

A Unique Four Quadrant Flyback Converter

Design Review: 140W, Multiple Output, Very High Density DC/DC Converter

SEM1300 (2000)

Cascaded Power Converter Topology for High Current Low Output Voltage App.

Hot Swap Power Management

50W Forward Converter w/ Sync. Rectification and Secondary Side

Frequency Response Measurements for Switching Power Supplies

A More Accurate Current-Mode Control Model

SEM1400 (2001)

An Analytical Comparision of Alternate Control Techniques

Design and Application Guide for High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits

Appendix A: Estimating MOSFET Parameters from the Data Sheet

Magnetic Field Evaluation in Transformers and Inductors

High-Efficiency, Regulated Charge Pumps for High-Current Applications

Designing Stable Control Loops

Internal Compensation – Boon or Bane

Implication of Sync. Rectifiers in Isolated, Single-Ended, Forward Conv.

SEM1500 (2003)

Topic 1: Understanding & Optimizing Electromagnetic Compatibility in…

Topic 2: Designing High-Power Factor Off-Line Power Supplies

Topic 3: Achieving High-Efficiency w/Multi-Output CCM Flyback Supply…

Topic 4: Transformer & Inductor Design for Optimum Circuit Performance

Topic 5: Under the Hood of Low-Voltage DC/DC Converters

Topic 6: Paralleling Power–Choosing & Applying the Best Technique for…

SEM1600 (2004)

Topic 1: Safety Considerations in Power Supply Design

Topic 2: Sequencing Power Supplies in Multiple Voltage Rail Environments

Topic 3: Design Review: A Step-by-Step Approach to AC Line-Powered Converters

Topic 4: Constructing Your Power Supply – Layout Considerations

Topic 5: Interleaving Contributes Unique Benefits to Forward & Flyback Converter

Topic 6: A Practical Introduction to Digital Power Supply Control

Topic 7: Compensating DC/DC Converters with Ceramic Output Capacitors

SEM1700 (2006/07)

TOPIC 1: Improving Power Supply Efficiency – The Global Perspective

TOPIC 2: Green-Mode Power by the Milli-Watt

TOPIC 3: Feedback in the Fast Lane–Modeling Current-Mode Control in High-Frequency

TOPIC 4: Designing Planar Magnetics

TOPIC 5: An Interleaved PFC Preregulator for High-Power Converters

TOPIC 6: Software Design for Digital Power – Programming 101 for Analog Design

TOPIC 7: Designing a Digital Telecom Rectifier

SEM1800 (2008/09)

Topic 1 – High Power Factor and High Efficiency…You Can Have Both

Topic 2 – Understanding Noise-Spreading Techniques and their Effects

Topic 3 – Under the Hood of a DC/DC Boost Converter

Topic 4 – Improving System Efficiency with a New Interm.-Bus Architecture

Topic 5 – High-Voltage Energy Storage: The Key to Efficient Holdup

Topic 6 – Using PMBus™ for Improved System-Level Power Management

Topic 7 – Applying Digital Technology to PWM Control-Loop Designs

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